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Back to the news list MIA opposes dismantling new cars for shipping
30 June 2020 - Media Release - Transport talk
In submissions on the Ministry of Primary Industries’ Import Health Standards (IHS) the Motor Industry Association says it recognises strict measures to protect the people, animals and plant life and food sources in New Zealand must be maintained

But it wants more clarity on an MPI proposal requiring new vehicles to be partially or fully dismantled on arrival.

It says it’s uncertain about MPI inspectors requiring new vehicles to be partially or fully dismantled and left dismantled during shipping to confirm that high-risk areas are free of biosecurity contaminants.

“The IHS is very thin on detail for this proposal and our concerns relate to the potential damage, delay, and therefore related costs, associated with such a practice.”

The MIA Opposes the proposal to remove the inspection exclusion for smaller sized vehicles, which will make them subject to an MPI-approved system or treatment.

“This change will be regardless as to whether the vehicles are manufactured, stored, and packed into containers indoors.

“The document implies that the reason for this change is because some of these vehicles have structural complexity which may create possible hiding places for bugs. “

However, it says there’s no mention that bugs have been located on any of these vehicles. “For some manufacturers, the current exclusion was hard earned, despite never having a single reported incident of BMSB or any other bug in their containers.”

The MIA suggests that such a policy doesn’t align with the ongoing exception for vehicles, machinery or parts coming from China and South Korea.

On the removal of year-round inspection for some used vehicles, the MIA says it has no specific objection to the removal of treatment for small used vehicle during the BMSB off-season.

However, I adds, “we suggest these vehicle will still be a higher risk that those small new vehicles for which the current exclusion is to be removed.”

The MIA is also seeking an assurance that robust analysis is applied in determining when a country is added, or not, to Schedule 3.

The MIA recommends that when MPI proposes additions to schedule 3, the cost of those changes to industry, adequate time to make and implement any necessary changes are considered fully.

The MIA’s submission says that changes including the treatment of used parts, the removal of labelling requirements, and the inclusion of additional countries to Schedule 3 are supported.

To read the full MIA submission, please click HERE

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