5160, 813, 5529, 3111, 5308, 237, 5708, 6067, 531, 1128, 5365, 1641, 3116, 702, 3143, 989, 245, 1305, 3074, 3078, 676, 4650, 5696, 1682, 5513, 122, 6343, 6057, 5970, 1326, 5913, 45, 52, 1068, 2373, 5410, 5834, 5794, 404, 844, 40, 6022, 5608, 5607, 4835, 5960, 5253, 6177, 5413, 5432, 6179, 5463, 5955, 1619, 5881, 5888, 6126, 5254, 5710, 487, 5100, 5885, 1396, 5357, 1259, 1687, 752, 6016, 6290, 1214, 2568, 3063, 395, 5850, 459, 946, 6312, 817, 666, 6130, 6026, 5922, 5407, 6132, 6008, 5199, 5447, 5805, 6189, 6220, 558, 5930, 5810, 6182, 6040, 5984, 5784, 5972
Back to the news list Taiwan recognises Tasmania as fruit fly free
27 May 2019 - Media Release - Fresh Plaza

Taiwan has officially recognised Tasmania as fruit fly free, effective immediately. Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Richard Colbeck said the decision is good news for Tasmanian fruit exporters. 

“Taiwan has now recognised Tasmania as fruit fly free, which is good news for our growers who were in the affected zones because they have regained market access. It is also good news for growers state-wide because it affirms Tasmania’s reputation as an exporter of high-quality, safe product.” 

Taiwan represents a $5.6 million market for Tasmanian fruit exports and has been closed to growers in the affected zones in the north of the state since January 2018. 

Taiwan joins other protocol countries like Japan, South Korea and New Zealand in recognising Tasmania’s fruit fly free status. 

“The Australian Government has been working closely with the Tasmanian Government and our trading partners to ensure that all technical data is available to make assessments on Tasmania’s fruit fly free status.” 

“Our trading partners take their biosecurity as seriously as we do and they make their own assessments based on their own data requirements and timetables.” 

“This is another demonstration of the strong work that has been done to ensure that Tasmania regains its fruit fly free status and is a pleasing result for our exporters.”

For more information:
Felix Ellis 
Tel: +61 457 517 734

Eastbourne House
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PO Box 11094

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