5160, 813, 5529, 3111, 5308, 237, 5708, 6067, 531, 1128, 5365, 1641, 3116, 702, 3143, 989, 245, 1305, 3074, 3078, 676, 4650, 5696, 1682, 5513, 122, 6343, 6057, 5970, 1326, 5913, 45, 52, 1068, 2373, 5410, 5834, 5794, 404, 844, 40, 6022, 5608, 5607, 4835, 5960, 5253, 6177, 5413, 5432, 6179, 5463, 5955, 1619, 5881, 5888, 6126, 5254, 5710, 487, 5100, 5885, 1396, 5357, 1259, 1687, 752, 6016, 6290, 1214, 2568, 3063, 395, 5850, 459, 946, 6312, 817, 666, 6130, 6026, 5922, 5407, 6132, 6008, 5199, 5447, 5805, 6189, 6220, 558, 5930, 5810, 6182, 6040, 5984, 5784, 5972
Back to the news list 55% of apples in Spanish market are of domestic or
16 October 2019 - Media Release - Fresh Plaza
Around 55% of the apples on the Spanish shelves are of domestic origin, with a slow but sustained growth in recent years, while in the case of pears, this share exceeds 90%, according to Infolineal data presented by Afrucat at the San Miquel Fair of Lleida.

Joan Serentill, president of the Pome Fruit Committee of the association, has warned that these figures show a positive trend, but that development has been very slow since 2015, when data started to be collected. Also, despite the fact that many traders have achieved a positive development, showing a clear commitment to domestic and local products, there are others that have increased the presence of imported fruit.

For Serentill, the current apple campaign represents an opportunity for the Catalan and Spanish productions due to two factors, namely the expected 20% drop in the apple production in Europe (with 44% less production in Poland) and the excellent overall quality of domestic apples. This should therefore be a year in which to regain market share and improve the product's reputation.

The president of the top fruit Committee of the Catalan fruit business association also wished to highlight the fact that there are three supermarkets that reach a 100% share in domestic apples, while another five show a very positive development and demonstrate a clear commitment to the domestic production.

The Infolineal is a study carried out by Afrucat that is updated every 4 months and which looks into the main traders in Lleida, Barcelona, ??Zaragoza and Madrid. The results of the analysis of the origins of apples and pears on the shelves can be consulted in the following link.

For more information:

Fruit Businesses Association of Catalonia

Tel: +34 973 220 149

Eastbourne House
507 Eastbourne Street West
PO Box 11094

Ph: +64 6 8737080

Fax: +64 6 8737089


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