5160, 813, 5529, 3111, 5308, 237, 5708, 6067, 531, 1128, 5365, 1641, 3116, 702, 3143, 989, 245, 1305, 3074, 3078, 676, 4650, 5696, 1682, 5513, 122, 6343, 6057, 5970, 1326, 5913, 45, 52, 1068, 2373, 5410, 5834, 5794, 404, 844, 40, 6022, 5608, 5607, 4835, 5960, 5253, 6177, 5413, 5432, 6179, 5463, 5955, 1619, 5881, 5888, 6126, 5254, 5710, 487, 5100, 5885, 1396, 5357, 1259, 1687, 752, 6016, 6290, 1214, 2568, 3063, 395, 5850, 459, 946, 6312, 817, 666, 6130, 6026, 5922, 5407, 6132, 6008, 5199, 5447, 5805, 6189, 6220, 558, 5930, 5810, 6182, 6040, 5984, 5784, 5972
Back to the news list Printed fruit increasingly popular during the holi
10 January 2019 - Media Release - Fresh Plaza

Besides supplying fruit to more than 2,500 companies per week, Fruitsnacks also offers apples or pears with a message or logo printed on them with their enterprise Logofruit. “The options for printing are extensive. One customer might want an apple with a logo for an open day, another might want an apple with a thank you message,” says Karel Paesmans of Logofruit and Fruitsnacks. “It’s an original, ecological and fun present to give to customers or visitors. The product is also becoming more popular for births, weddings and holidays such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day.”

“The fruit is printed using a punch press and an edible paste that is completely food safe. The paste is also used for printing M&Ms and other food and pharmaceutical products. A well-coloured apple or pear is ideal to print, because the logo or message will stand out best. We often use Red Prince apples because these have a good, red colour, but the Q-Tee pear is also very suitable,” Karel continues. The company grows the fruit that is used for Logofruit. Red Prince, Wellant, Elstar, Q-Tee and Conference are grown on 65 hectares of their own production.

“It’s a proper marketing snack that responds well to the current health trend. The product is very sustainable as well, because no plastic is used to pack the fruit. We recently had to print a lot of apples with a no smoking sign. An anti-smoking campaign can be given a positive spin this way, by handing out these nice apples,” Karel explains. For some years, Logofruit has worked with Stichting Kom Op Tegen Kanker, a Dutch foundation to raise awareness for cancer. For every ten logo-apples sold, the company donates €0.20 to the charity. In 2015, they raised €7,000 this way, and the amount increases every year. Besides, Logofruit supports other charities as well, such as Make-A-Wish.

For more information:
Karel Paesmans
Logofruit - Fruitsnacks
Mierhoopweg 34
3850 Wijer - Belgium
+32 11 69 52 80

Eastbourne House
507 Eastbourne Street West
PO Box 11094

Ph: +64 6 8737080

Fax: +64 6 8737089


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