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Back to the news list New campaign aims to attract Kiwis to jobs in food
27 July 2020 - Media Release - Newshub

Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor said the Opportunity Grows Here campaign is hoping to get 10,000 Kiwis into the sector over the next four years.

"Many unemployed people are talented and have skills that are readily transferable," O'Connor said. "They just need to know that these opportunities exist – that’s what this campaign is all about."

He said Government research had shown that many New Zealanders were unaware of what opportunities existed in the industry and whether they had suitable skills for them.

The campaign is centred around a website showcasing available opportunities, including careers, training and jobs, O'Connor said.

"Opportunities aren’t just in remote, labour-based roles. Some are jobs in our cities and include work in science, technology, business management, marketing and research. There is a really wide range of opportunities and we need people with a range of skills and backgrounds."

The campaign features work opportunities in the beef and sheep, dairy, forestry, horticulture, seafood and wine growing industries.



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